In this age of Pinterest, Instagram and screenshots, it's really easy to forget that inspiring and interesting things were actually made by individuals - with names - and to lose track of who created these things in the first place. Also, we all know that unscrupulous people rip other people off, so it's really important that artists can claim their authorship and protect their creations and their brand in the following ways:
If you wish to publish any of my work, please contact me directly via email at sarahbartonhills@gmail.com.
If you wish to credit my work on your Social Media feed, please use handle @sarahbartonhillsartist
I own all of the original paintings/designs/photography I sell.
Unless otherwise stated, all artworks (paintings, drawings, screen prints, sculptures, digital prints or photography) on this website are made by me or were commissioned by me and I retain all rights to their sale and reproduction.
These rights make sure my authorship is recognised and they make sure that I (as opposed to someone who has appropriated my ideas) benefit from the fruits of my particular mind, heart, and hands.
These rights include:
- the rights to images of sold & commissioned original paintings, to images of sculptures, and to photography I have taken for my own purposes (ie not those you pay me to take);
- the right to make reproductions of any and all artwork I create, for sale (eg as a limited edition print);
- the right to state that the buyer may not reproduce any artwork in any way without written permission from me.
It is possible for a collector or buyer to buy these rights for a particular work from me.
For example, they may want to make sure the work is not reproduced by me as a print. Or may commission me to take photographs of themselves or their own creative work.
Purchase of Paintings or Prints of paintings:
All of this doesn't mean you can't post about your new painting or print on social media, of course. In fact I would love you to, post away! I'd love you to tag me in though, if thats ok.
Please use handle @sarahbartonhillsartist.
For details of Commercial Photographic reproduction please see notes below about
The AIPA / NZIPP Standard Photographic Terms and Conditions of Engagement.
Here's what the Ministry of Business, Innovation, & Employment has to say about copyright.
Copyright protects the particular manner in which an idea is expressed or information is conveyed.
Under the Copyright Act 1994, copyright protection happens automatically when any original work is created. I don't have to register the work as there is no formal system for the registration of copyright in New Zealand but sometimes you will see a little © symbol on my work.
Everything you see on this website is an example of the "literary and artistic works" that are protected by the Act:
"Artistic works: Graphical works such as paintings, drawings, plans and maps, irrespective or artistic "quality" or merit; photographs, sculptures and models; buildings and models of buildings; and works of artistic craftsmanship that must have some artistic quality or level of skill.
Commercial Photography Work:
I operate in accordance with The AIPA / NZIPP Standard Photographic Terms and Conditions of Engagement.
Sarah Barton-Hills Art & Photography retains copyright in all works created and may under a seperate contract, grant a client a licence to use the supplied images and/or videos for following purposes (unless other licensing purposes are explicitly stated during the booking process):
Online marketing and portfolio usage
Award submissions
Small-format print (up to A2 in size)
As a signed client please please follow attribution rights set out in our individual contract.
Any created works are not to be sold or redistributed commercially without the express written consent of the Photographer. Other parties involved in a project must licence any works created by the Photographer directly before using them. This service will likely attach and additional 3rd party Licence and accompanying fee.
Fee for using images as a 3rd Party is usually $99 per image, for the first year of use and $65 per image, annually thereafter.
As a policy I do not supply any RAW files from a photoshoot.
By accepting a quote or estimate with Sarah Barton-Hills you are agreeing to these conditions.
These terms and conditions are in effect for all current and future bookings unless specified otherwise.
Thanks for reading. Send me an email if you have any questions or concerns.